Laptop power light on but nothing happens

Is your laptop power light on but nothing happens? Don’t worry; it is one of the most common problems that happen with most of the computer users. Although, unfortunately, it is difficult to troubleshoot as the problem is complicated. There are many reasons that might be responsible for occurring the problem. So, it is very important to find out right causes and take proper action against the problem.

Laptop power light on but nothing happens

How to fix laptop power light on but nothing happens

Note: After power On, if the laptop display remains black and running after turning on, then check laptop screen goes black but still running. Also, you can see the article on laptop black screen for troubleshooting.

Fixing a laptop issue takes minutes to several hours which depend on what is exactly happened with the computer. However, follow the steps below to troubleshoot the problem.

  1. Test the monitor: First of all, you should check your computer monitor before going to the more complicated troubleshooting step. There is a great possibility to be it is problem with your display. Connect an external monitor to test your laptop display. If it is your monitor problem, then replace with the good one, the laptop will work properly.
  2. Check system board: Unplug adapter and battery of your laptop. Then press your power button and hold it for seconds. Plugin the adapter again. Press Fn key from your keyboard and hold, then turn On your laptop. If your laptop diagnostic does not open, there something wrong with the system board. You need to replace the system board to isolate the issue, but it might not the only issue.
  3. Check the power button light status: You should check the power button light and front of system LED. You may see the system LED like the image below. Then, follow the steps to drain out remaining power-

Laptop power light on but nothing happens

  • Turn off your laptop.
  • Remove battery and AC adapter of your laptop.
  • To drain the residual power of laptop press laptop’s power button and hold it about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Release the laptop’s power button.
  • Reconnect AC adopter and insert battery again.
  • Then, retry to powering your laptop again.

Note: Please don’t forget to check AC adapter light status.

  1. Reseat connection: Try to reseat everything such as power cable, memory modules, expansion cards, internet data of your computer that help to reconnect different connection which is very helpful to solve this type of issue. Besides, you should reconnect mouse and keyboard too.
  2. Electrical shorts: Sometimes the problem might be the cause of electrical shorts. It happens when the laptop turns off by itself. Electrical shorts of computer prevent booting properly. Even, the monitor does not display anything.
  3. Clear the CMOS: There is a great possibility to not to show anything in your laptop display if your laptop has BIOS with the wrong configuration. Clear your motherboard’s BIOS memory which brings your BIOS setting to default level.
  4. Check power supply: Test power supply of your laptop. If laptop light or fan runs, it does not indicate the power supply is ok, because the PSU creates more trouble than any other computer hardware does. Change the power supply if you got anything wrong with it.
  5. Check power supply voltage: If the input voltage of your laptop power supply has any trouble, then the laptop will not turn on properly. Besides, incorrect power supply voltage switch might be responsible for not to turn on the laptop completely.

Laptop power light on but nothing happens-this problem you may have to face if you left the laptop switched off such as sitting on a drawer, s desk or cupboard etc for a long time doing anything with an attached battery. The unused laptop battery contains Zero charge. In this case, you should connect the laptop to AC power cable and keep the laptop turn off. Then leave the laptop for minimum 14 hours to charge up.

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