Why is my internet so slow all of a sudden? 8 Causes

Why is my internet so slow all of a sudden? It is a common question and common problem for many people. There are so many reasons for slow down internet connection. Sometimes your computer features are responsible for this issues or sometimes internet service provider(ISP), router bug can be responsible for this problem. Also, it depends on how much data you are using. If you find out exact cause you can solve the problem.

Why is my internet so slow all of a sudden

Why is my internet so slow all of a sudden? – Some causes

There are many factors related to the computer performance and internet connectivity. Internet connection does not only depend on the service provides but also depends on the commuter features and so many things. Here are some major factors of slow down internet.

1. Type of internet connection

Internet speed depends on the types of internet you are using. The commons way internet connections are cable, dial-up, and DSL. Cable is the fastest internet connection. Although, both cable and DSL are faster in comparison with dial-up.

Cable: This type of internet connection delivered through the cable which brings TV program. Cable internet use TV channel for upstream and downstream transmissions. Because TV cable has high bandwidth than a telephone line has. So, Cable internet connection provides extremely fast access to the users. Also, it always connected to the internet. This connection is able to receive data, more than 30 megabits/ sec speed from other cable connection. The speed range of cable internet is 512Kbps-20Mbps.

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line): DSL internet connection provided via a telephone line. The user can use the telephone at the same time they are surfing the internet. DSL is a type of broadband which uses fiber-optic cable or telephone lines for transmission. DSL has 128Kbps -8Mbps speed range depending on service.

Dial-up:  user needs to connect the telephone line to the computer to use the internet.  It does not let the user operate the phone while using the internet. Even, other device or computer that shares the same line, they cannot use the internet at the same time. It is the slowest method of internet connection. Also, dial-up internet connection is very cheap.

2. Unknown updating or downloading

Sometimes unknown downloading can be the cause of slow down internet. Most of the software requires update while you connect internet. These update processes remain invisible and run on the computer background. Although, some update is small some update file size are more than 1GB. So, it is important to know what is happening on your computer background. Also, you should off the software auto-updating.

3. ISP throttling

Internet service provider sometimes limits the speed. They throttle bandwidth when user uploads heavy data to any site like the torrent website or download. Also, ISP throttles traffic for a user if reached plan limit. It is common problem for ISP-based bandwidth.

4. Malware or virus infection

Malware or computer virus can also responsible for downing internet connection. Because virus corrupts essential files from operating system using computer system resources like computer memory. Virus install computer code when attacking a computer. Then, spread it by sending copies via sending emails. Even, some virus can send more than hundreds of emails within seconds which is responsible for reducing internet speed. The main problem is that you will not understand where actually they are running. So, using antivirus software is the best way to keep your computer and internet fast and safe.

5. Browser add-on

Browser add-on also responsible for poor performance. Many browsers offer rich features like document sharing, multimedia etc. They take lots of memory space and make your computer and internet speed slow. If you realize that browser add-on is the cause of slow internet, disable you add-on permanently from your browser.

6. Browse problem

Sometimes internet speed can be slow because of internet browser. To be sure that your browser is responsible for slow down internet speed or not try another browser. If still remains the same problem then the problem might be for other issues like for your computer, viruses or ISP.

7. Age of computer

If the age of your computer is more than 3 years then it is unable to pass electrons fast to the web page. Also, computer performance decrease with its age. So, if you want to get fast speed, you can use additional memory.

8. Time of the or holiday

The specific time or specific day effects on the internet speed. When more people use the internet, the internet becomes overload and slow down. It can happen when most of the people stay home like holiday or off from work.

Why is my internet so slow all of a sudden? – It is one of the most common questions of internet user. If you find out right reason properly you can overcome the problem. Just you need to take action to get fast internet speed again.

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