How to Fix a Black Screen in Windows 10?

Windows 10 is one of the most used operating systems in the world nowadays. It has been designed a very user-friendly interface. Also, this operating system is reliable which is proved already. But, it does not mean the system is perfect and the user never faces any problem with it. Like many other software unexpected problem also happens windows 10. This is the black screen problem. I’m going to show you several ways to resolve this problem.

The way to fix windows 10 black screen problem during installation

If you have a black screen problem during the installation of Windows 10, which means the installation process is running in the computer background. In this situation, the first thing you have to leaves the computer with the black screen for 6 hours which give the windows a chance of sorting itself.

After this time period check your computer to see what happened, if nothing happens during that time, then hold down the power button of your computer for 10 seconds to shut down it forcedly. Unplug unnecessary parts from your computer. Then, try to boot your computer and reinstall your system.

If still remain the problem, use a bootable USB drive to install your windows.

Check monitor connection of your computer

Sound interesting, right? But, it is the most effective and correct solution. Make sure that the connection between your computer and monitor is OK. Also, check the power cable of your monitor. Connect the monitor to the power. Check the monitor is displaying a standby light. If it does not display any light, it could be a problem with the monitor or the power cable.

If you don’t get any signal from the computer, but getting power light, then use another cable.

Try to wake up the display forcedly

There is a great possibility that Windows 10 is unable to detect the display. Press windows key + Ctrl + shift + B using your computer which will help to wake up the display forcibly.

Reinstall video driver

Your video driver might be the cause of screen issue. So, uninstalling and install it again is a good idea to solve the issue.

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